Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

Barong Dance

tari barong
Barong dance is the Balinese dance repertoire derived from pre-Hindu culture. This dance depicts the battle between virtue (dharma) and falsehood (adharma). Manifestation of virtue played by Barong, a dancer with a costume that is a quadruped, while the manifestation of evil played by Rangda, the scary figure with two pointy fangs in his mouth.

There are several types of commonly displayed Barong in Bali, among Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal (pig), Barong Elephant, Barong Asu (dog), Barong Brutuk, and Barong-barongan. However, among the types of Barong is most often a tourist treat is the Barong Ket, or Barong Keket which has costumes and dances quite complete.

Barong Ket costume generally describe the combination of lions, tigers and bulls. In the body decorated with ornaments from the skin, pieces of mirror glass, and also features the feathers of pandanus leaf fiber. Barong is played by two dancers (saluk interpreter / interpreter bapang): one dancer took up positions in front of the play of motion of the head and front legs Barong, while the second dancer is behind the hind legs and tail plays a Barong.

At first glance, Barong Ket is not much different from the usual Lion Dance performed by the Chinese community. However, the story is played out in different performances, the story of the battle between Barong and Rangda are equipped with other figures, such as monkeys (friends Barong), Kunti, Sadewa (son Kunti), as well as the followers of Rangda.Privileged Barong lies in the elements of comedy and mythological elements that make up the performing arts. Comedic elements are usually inserted in the middle of a show for the audience laugh. In the opening round, for example, monkeys who accompanied Barong figures make funny movements or biting the ear opponent to invite laughter.

Meanwhile, the mythological elements of the story lies in the source of which comes from the pre-Hindu tradition that believes Barong as mythological animal that becomes protector goodness. Mythological elements also appear in Barong costume-making base ingredients obtained from wood in places considered haunted, for example grave. Mythological elements that make sacred by the Balinese Barong. Moreover, Barong Dance also often interspersed with Kris (Keris Dance), in which the dancers thrust a dagger into each other's bodies like the show whistle.

Barong Dance can be seen in several places in Gianyar, Bali, among them at Pura Dalem Ubud which usually begin staged at 19:30 pm, as well as in several art galleries in Batubulan are staged at 09.30 pm.To watch the performing arts, tourists can head Batubulan through Denpasar, capital of Bali province. From Denpasar, Batubulan is about 10 km or takes about 15 minutes by private vehicle or public transportation (taxi / car chartered). While, if the tourists start the journey from Kuta or Nusa Dua, takes + 45 minutes.

To watch the Barong Dance performances, domestic and foreign tourists are charged Rp 50,000 per person. By paying the ticket number, the tourists will also obtain guidance staging stories in print with a wide choice of languages, including Indonesian, English, French, Italian, Japanese, and Mandarin.

In addition to using private vehicles, tourists can also hire the services of travel to watch this dance. Travel service providers generally have to have a fixed schedule Barong Dance performance at Batubulan. However, if you want more flexibility with the agenda of the desired tour, tourists can rent a car chartered with the rental fee is calculated per day.

Unless watch dance performances, one of the tour organizer that can be done in this village are shopping for a variety of souvenirs sold by souvenir shops and art galleries along the road in the village of Batubulan. Objets d'art such as sculptures and carvings are the souvenirs of this village. If need accommodation and facilities such as lodging (inn, hotel jasmine, as well as five-star hotel), food stalls, as well as nightclubs, then the tourists can be found in the nearest town, the city of Denpasar.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Trunajaya dance

Trunajaya dance comes from the word meaning Cadet youth. Dance originating from North Bali (Buleleng) showing the movements of the hand and body movements displayed a vibrant and loud. This dance is a portrait of a young man who adulthood. The young man is described with an emotional and expressive to attract the attention of women.Trunajaya dance is a traditional Balinese dance movements depicting a young man (Youth) Bali being adulthood, full of emotions and acting to captivate a woman.Trunajaya including men's dance dance with movements that hard usually danced by a dancer daughter. This dance was originally created by Pan Wandres in the form Kebyar Legong and later refined by I Gede Manik. Trunajaya dance creation was created for a dance entertainment that can be enjoyed moments of particular celebration.This dance creations created for a dance entertainment that can be enjoyed on special occasions.

Cendrawasih dance, romance Love in the Garden of Heaven

Various types of dance coloring people's daily bustle in Bali, either as part of religious rituals and entertainment. The creativity of the people of Bali also seemed unbroken all the time. Creations of contemporary dances continue to emerge. Some of them managed to exist and coupled with classical dances remain stable, while others are forgotten and lost over time. One of the new dance creations that managed to grow and gain widespread recognition is the dance of paradise.
tari cendrawasih
Since the first, the Balinese people recognize dance as a form of symbolic expression. It was also the symbolic message behind the birth of dance paradise by Swasthi Wijaya Bandem. Natural movements of birds that live in the eastern part of Indonesia that has inspired Bandem to express eternal love. Bird of paradise was considered a heavenly bird that became a symbol of love eternal journey.

Bandem represent the message in an elegant choreography and costumes typical display. This dance is performed by two girls who sway hill. One of the peculiarities that exist in a dance costume on a headdress of paradise is used by the dancers. Headdress dancers such as golden crowns with the top open and the front side is curved to the rear.

Through a flexible layout choreography and costumes and typical musical arrangements, dance managed to bring a message of love to a broad audience. Adapting elements of the choreography of some classical Balinese dance, dance is also a means of representation of the value of local Balinese culture to the art lovers and the general public. This is what makes this dance spread from studio to studio. Currently, the dancing bird of paradise became one of the popular dance of Bali. Not only at the local stage, dance is also successfully penetrated the national stage and even international level.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

15 Traditional Dance of Bali

Bali island resort have a panorama that has been recognized worldwide. Many tourists even equate Bali as a paradise world. But not only its natural beauty, you know my friend, a myriad of cultural richness in Bali also not escaped the attention of the world, including the traditional Balinese dance.
Well this time we will pay a visit to the island through the introduction of traditional Balinese dance. In Bali a lot of dance traditional dances / classic. And in this article we will summarize the 15 traditional dances. Do not let outsiders know Nagrek overseas eh Balinese dance, we the Indonesian people do not even know him ..
penari cilik bali
15 Traditional dances of Bali are:
  1. Dance Cendrawasih
  2. Dance Trunajaya
  3. Dance Barong
  4. Legong
  5. Kecak
  6. Pendet
  7. Line Dance
  8. Dance Flag Semirang
  9. Dance Puspanjali
  10. Dance Margapati
  11. Dance Wirayudha
  12. Dance Gopala
  13. Dance Mask
  14. Dance Lean
  15. Dance Janger
 1. Dance Cendrawasih
As well as the peacock dance from West Java, Bali Cendrawasih dance depicting the beauty of the birds of paradise that bertebangan in space. Cendrawasih dance danced by two adult women. One plays the birds of paradise males and one female paradise
Birds of paradise known as Manuk Dewata in Bali does have characters that writhed like dancing and singing when approaching marriage. This is depicted in the traditional dance of Bali. Cendrawasih dance is the result of work by I Gde Manik and first shown at the sub-district of Sawan Buleleng in 1920. But Cendrawasih dance is often performed at the present time are processed choreography by NLN Swasthi Wijaya Bandem, which diaransemenkan on his first appearance in 1988.

 2. Dance Trunajaya
Trunajaya dance is a traditional Balinese dance movements depicting a young man (Youth) Bali being meninjak adulthood, full of emotions and acting to captivate a woman. Trunajaya including men's dance dance with movements that hard usually danced by a dancer daughter. This dance was originally created by Pan Wandres in the form Kebyar Legong and later refined by I Gde Manik. Trunajaya dance creation was created for a dance entertainment that can be enjoyed moments of particular celebration.

 3. Dance Barong

Barong Dance is a traditional dance of Bali is quite famous. Barong Dance is a cultural heritage before the advent of Hinduism in the land of the gods. Traditional Balinese dance is danced by two men, one head and one tail section, so it seems pretty like a quadruped.
Barong word itself comes from the word meaning bahruang also bear, so the appearance of a large body like an animal bears. There are various such barong barong tiger, barong Bangkal, barong elephant, barong asu, Barong Landung, barong blasblasan, barong ket (Keket). Barong is often displayed at today is barong ket, barong dance species has costumes and dance movements are complete, the form is a blend of animal lion, tiger, cow or boma. Barong Agency is decorated with carvings made of leather, with a piece of glass glittering mirrors and feathers made of fiber perasok leaves, fibers or some of the feathers of crows, barong face mask made of wood with a source of haunted places and sacred.
Barong dance depicts staged a fierce battle between the virtues symbolized denan barong with falsehood that Rangda, and staged with a dish full of humor.

 4. Legong

Legong is a classical Balinese dance that in the beginning there is a dance palace that is only performed at the palace in the kingdom of Bali. From the origin of said Legong derived from the word "leg" which means flexible and elastic, connected by means of dance movements graceful, and "gong", which means gamelan, so that means Legong dance tied with the accompanying gamelan. Accompanying gamelan known by the name Semar Pegulingan. Another distinctive feature of the dancers wear the fan, except dancer with Lean figure.
Legong dancers danced by 2-3 people who bring the characters "Lean", as the opening of this dance, but sometimes it does not present a Legong dance figures, depending on the number of dancers.
Known to some kinds of Legong dance in Bali that evolve over time Legong Lasem (Kraton), Legong Jobog, Legong Legod Bawa, Legong egrets, and Legong Legong Smaradahana Sudarsana.

 5. Kecak
Who would have never seen dance Kecak? although it may have never seen this dance as a whole, but certainly never know dong Kecak footage that often appear in the ad / media television ?.

Kecak is a Balinese dance performance art is more important to tell the Ramayana and performed mainly by men. This dance is performed by many (tens or more) male dancers who sat lined up in a circle and with a certain rhythm called "top" and raised both arms, depicting the Ramayana as rows of monkeys helping Rama against Ravana.
The dancers in the circle is wearing a plaid cloth like a chessboard around their waists. Besides the dancers, there is also the other dancers who portray the characters Ramayana as Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman and Sugriva.
Kecak is the work of Wayan modulus worked with German painter Walter Spies in the 1930s.

 6. Pendet
Pendet was originally a dance that many exhibited worship in temples, places of worship of Hindus in Bali, Indonesia. This dance symbolizes the descent of the gods to the reception on the natural world.
But along with the times, the artists transform Pendet be "a welcome". Creator / choreographer of modern dance forms is I Wayan Rindi.
Unlike dances performances that require intensive training, Pendet be danced by everyone, pemangkus men and women, adults and girls.

 7. Line Dance

Line Dance is a traditional ritual dance of Bali. A dance that shows the courage of the knights Bali and represents the fighters who fought for the king Bali. This dance is usually performed by 8 to 40 men dressed in traditional attire fighters complete with ornaments on the head, chest and back. The costumes are used differently in each district because of all districts in Bali have a Line Dance Typical respectively.
At first movement Line dancer very carefully, like someone who is looking for enemies in the area that he had not known. As he reached the middle of the stage, he began to tiptoe, and quickly spun on one foot and his face showed the face of a fighter who was on the battlefield.

Line dance is a sacred dance performed not only for cremation but also during a memorial temple and other sacred ceremonies because it is believed the ceremony the gods and ancestors descend into the world to give thanks. So this dance is dedicated to them as a show and also gratitude.

 8. Dance Flag Semirang
Flag Semirang dance is a dance that was created by I Nyoman Kaler in 1942. This dance tells about a princess named Galuh Candrakirana who go wandering in the guise of being a man named Raden Panji. This odyssey is done after the loss of her daughter. However, in the Chronicle describes the Bali dance daughter named Galuh Candrakirana who do odyssey to find her lover named Raden Panji Inu Kertapati, disguised as men. This dance is danced by women looking like men, and certainly does not have the women's movement at all in this dance

 9. Dance Puspanjali

Puspanjali dance is a welcome dance is danced by a group of female dancers with a number of dancers between 5-7 people. Dance Puspanjalai showing the movements of soft graceful combined with movements rhythmic dynamic, dance is a lot to take inspiration from dances ceremonial Rejang, and describes a number of women who respectfully welcome the arrival of the guests who came to their island.
Puspanjali taken from the word flower meaning meaning of flowers and anjali salute / homage. This dance was created by N.L.N. Swasthi Wijaya (choreographer) and I Nyoman Windha (stylist percussion accompaniment) in 1989.

 10. Dance Margapati
Margapati dance is a traditional Balinese dance created by Nyoman Kaler in 1942. Margapati word comes from the word that means the Roads and Highways Pati which means death. Margapati dance depicts the journey of life for one's mistakes women, because this dance is more movement of a man but danced by women.

Margapati dance was danced by a woman. This dance many occasions displayed on salvation as the anniversary event company.

 11. Dance Wirayudha

Wirayudha dance is a dance that is danced by a war between 2 to 4 pairs of male dancers armed with spears. This dance depicts a group of soldiers Bali Dwipa who was getting ready to advance to the battlefield. The dancers wore headdresses shaped udeng-udengan, dance is a dance studio production Waturenggong Bali is Wayan Dibia creation in 1979.

 12. Dance Gopala 

Gopala Dance is a traditional dance of Bali which describe the behavior of a group of cows in a field penggamba / grazing. Gopala taken from kawi word meaning cowherd.
Gopala dance is danced by 4 to 8 dancers son. This dance is a creation shared between I Nyoman Suarsa (choreographer) and I Ketut Gede Asnawa (as arranger accompaniment) with dance movements humorous with the material motion which is a blend of dance movements Bali that already exist that have been developed with motions new.

 13. Dance Mask

Mask has existed in the world since prehistoric times. Accessories used in advance is used also in a dance known as the mask dance. Mask used to describe a lot of character, good character people today and character - fictional or antiquity. Indonesia has several dance masks, including the mask of Cirebon in West Java, Malang Mask, Mask reog, Ireng Mask and Mask Bali.

The existence of masks in Balinese society is closely related to the Hindu religious ceremonies, because art melted in religion and society. Balinese mask dance is a tradition that is thick with magical rituals, generally displayed in the community is a sacred art. Tuah of masks representing deities believed to confers peace and safety.

 14. Dance Lean

Dance skew is the traditional dance originating from the palace in Bali in mid-19th century. Its creator is unknown, but a growing public confidence that there is a reference to the prince of Sukawati severe pain had a vision of two beautiful girls dancing gracefully accompanied by gamelan music. After the Pengeran healthy again, they repeated the prince dance she's ever seen. This dance tells the story of two nymphs originally named Supraba and Wilotama. Since the 1930s, the story transformed into a king or queen.
Leaning dance is commonly used as a precursor of Legong dance, the dance is performed to the accompaniment of gamelan pangulingan.

 15. Dance Janger

Janger dance is a social dance teenager Bali, which was created in the 1930's. Danced by 10 to 16 dancers in pairs, namely the so-called Janger daughter and son group called Kecak. They dance while singing a song Janger it blared.
Janger beginning of the emergence of dance originated from singing bersaut-sautan of people picking coffee, where to eliminate fatigue meraka bersaut sing-sautan among a group of women from a very simple form is then developed and takes on a Dance Janger. Singing the lyrics adapted from Sanghyang, a ritual dance. If categorized in Balinese dance, Janger including Balih-balihan Dance, dance enliven the ceremony as well as for entertainment.

Thus Friend, 15 traditional Balinese dance. Of course Bali not only have 15 dance above, but still a lot of dance choreography dance creations of artists in Bali. May 15 traditional Balinese dance above can represent a wealth of Balinese dance.

Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

History of Bali 3

History of Bali Covering a span of cultural development of the people of Bali. Bali's history is also associated with some of the mythology and folklore, which has to do with the history of a place or event ever in Bali.

Period 1846-1949
In this period began to enter the Dutch intervention in Bali in order to "pacification" of the entire area of ​​the archipelago. In the process inadvertently arouse nationalist sentiment Indonesia, areas that have not been addressed by the administration of Batavia tried to master and united under administration. Dutch entry to Bali due to several things: a couple of royal rule in Bali that are considered disruptive Dutch commercial interests, refusal to accept the monopoly Bali offered Batavia, and requests for assistance from Lombok Island residents who feel unfairly treated by the rulers (from Bali).

Resistance Against People Dutch 

This period is a period of resistance to the arrival of the Dutch in Bali. Resistance-resistance is marked by the eruption of war in various areas of Bali. Resistance-resistance can be described as follows:
  •     Buleleng War (1846)
  •     Jagaraga War (1848-1849)
  •     Kusamba War (1849)
  •     Banjar War (1868)
  •     Puputan Badung (1906)
  •     Bellows Klungkung (1908)
With a Dutch victory in the entire war and the fall of the Klungkung kingdom into the hands of the Netherlands, meaning the overall Bali had fallen into the hands of the Netherlands.

   Age of Dutch colonization 

Since Buleleng kingdom fell into the hands of Netherlands Dutch government began to take care of about government meddling in Bali. This is done by changing the name of the king as ruler of the area with a regent for Buleleng and Jembrana areas and placing PL Van Bloemen Waanders as controleur the first in Bali.The structure of government in Bali was still rooted in traditional governance structures, which keep the traditional leadership in implementing the government in these areas. For in Bali, the position of the king is the highest authority, which at the time of colonial rule was accompanied by a controleur. In the field of liability, the king directly responsible to the Resident of Bali and Lombok, located in Singaraja, while for South Bali, kings betanggung responsible to the Assistant Resident domiciled in Denpasar.To meet the needs of administrative personnel, the Dutch government has opened a grammar school the first in Bali, namely in Singaraja (1875) known as the Tweede Klasse School. In 1913 opened a school with the name of Erste Inlandsche School and then followed by a Dutch school with the name Hollands Inlandshe School (HIS) that his students are mostly from the children of nobility and the rich.

The birth of the Movement Organization 

Due to the influence of education obtained, the young students and some of the people who have to get a job in the city of Singaraja initiative to establish an association with the name "Suita Tirta Gama" which aims to promote the Balinese people in the world of science through religion. This association dear burumur not long. Then some teachers who still thirst with religious education set up an association named "Shanti" in 1923. This society has a magazine called "Shanti Adnyana" which later became "Bali Adnyana".In 1925 in Singaraja also founded an association named "magnifier" and has a magazine named "magnifier". Such association Shanti, magnifier wants Balinese progress in the field of knowledge and to eliminate customs that are not in accordance with the times. Meanwhile, in Karangasem born an association called "Satya Samudaya Baudanda Bali Lombok" whose members consist of civil servants and the general public with the aim of saving and collecting money for the benefit of studiefonds.

   Japanese Occupation Period

After going through several battles, the Japanese army landed on Sanur Beach on 18th and 19th February 1942. From the direction of this Sanur Japanese army entered the city of Denpasar with not experience any resistance. Then, from Denpasar Japan controlled the whole Bali. At first that laid the foundation of the Japanese power in Bali is Japanese Army forces (Rikugun). Then, when the atmosphere is stable control of government handed over to a civilian government.Because during the Japanese occupation of the atmosphere is in a state of war, all activities are directed at the needs of the war. The youths are trained to be soldiers Homeland Defense (PETA). For Bali, the MAP was formed in January 1944 that the program and the requirements of education adapted to PETA in Java.

   Age of Independence

Following the proclamation of Indonesian independence, on 23 August 1945, Mr. I Gusti Ketut Puja arrived in Bali with a mandate appointment as Governor of the Lesser Sunda. Since her arrival here Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia in Bali began to be disseminated to the villages. At that moment began to be held preparations for the arrangement of government in Bali as the Lesser Sunda region with its capital Singaraja.Since landing NICA in Bali, Bali has always been a fighting arena. In that battle RI forces using guerrilla system. Therefore, MBO as the holding forces are always moving. To strengthen the defense in Bali, the Navy brought in aid of Java that then merge into force in Bali. Because of frequent battles, the Dutch had sent a letter to Rai to hold negotiations. However, the parties are not willing to Bali fighters, and even continued to strengthen its defenses by involving all the people.To facilitate contact with Java, Rai never take a ploy to shift the attention of the Netherlands to eastern Bali. On May 28, 1946 Rai deploy troops heading east and is known as the "Long March". Held during the "Long March" the guerrilla forces often blocked by the Dutch army so frequent battles. Battles that brought victory in the fighter is Tanah Arun battle, namely the battle which took place in a small village on the slopes of Mount Agung, Karangasem. In Tanah Arun battle which occurred on 9 July 1946 the Dutch were killed. After the battle Ngurah Rai troops back toward the west and they reached the village of Marga (Tabanan). To further conserve energy because of limited weapons, some troops were ordered to fight together with the people.

   Bellows Margarana

At the time the staff MBO is in the village of Marga, I Gusti Ngurah Rai ordered his troops to seize police weapons NICA in the city of Tabanan. The order was executed on 18 November 1946 (night) and did well. Some weapons can be seized along with ammunition and a police commander NICA participated join themselves to the troops Ngurah Rai. After the troops soon returned to the village of Marga. On 20 November 1946 since the early morning Dutch troops began a confinement to the village of Marga. Approximately 10:00 am start happening a shootout between army troops Nica Ngurah Rai. In the exciting battle it forces the front part of the Netherlands many dead shot. Therefore, the Dutch soon bring relief from all the soldiers who were in Bali plus the bombers came from Makassar. In the fierce battle that all squad members Ngurah Rai determined not to retreat until the last drop of blood. This is where the Ngurah Rai troops held a "Puputan" or all-out war in the village Margarana so troops numbering 96 men were all dead, including Ngurah Rai itself. By contrast, in the Netherlands there are approximately 400 people who were killed. To commemorate the event on 20 November 1946 in the war bellows Margarana familiar with, and now the former battle area was established Tugu Pahlawan worship of the Park.

   Conference Denpasar 

On 7 until December 24, 1946, took place at the conference hall Denpasar Bali Hotel. The conference was opened by Hubertus van Mook which aims to establish the State of East Indonesia (NIT) with a capital of Makassar (Ujung Pandang).With the formation of the State of East Indonesia government structure in Bali revived as in the days of the kings, the government held by the king assisted by the duke, retainer, perbekel, and governance at the bottom is kelian. In addition, there's more of a board which is located above the king, the council of the kings.

   Submission of Sovereignty

The first military aggression against the Republic of Indonesia pemeritahan troops based in Yogyakarta dilancarakan by the Netherlands on 21 July 1947. The Dutch launched again its aggression that both December 18, 1948. During the second aggression was in Bali constantly sought the establishment of agencies is a struggle Guerrilla more effective. In this connection, in July 1948 can be formed organizations struggle with the name of People's Movement Indonesia Merdeka (GRIM). Subsequently, on November 27, 1949, GRIM merge with other organizations struggle with the name Continued Struggle. The name was later changed to the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) Lesser Sunda.Meanwhile, the Round Table Conference (RTC) regarding the approval of the formation of the United Indonesia - Netherlands started since the end of August 1949. Finally, December 27, 1949 Netherlands recognizes the sovereignty of RIS. Subsequently, on August 17, 1950, RIS was changed to the Republic of Indonesia.Period 1949-2007On October 12, 2002, bombings in Kuta which left around 202 people dead and hundreds injured. Most of the victims died were residents of Australia and Indonesia.

Senin, 25 Januari 2016

History of Bali 2

History of Bali Covering a span of cultural development of the people of Bali. Bali's history is also associated with some of the mythology and folklore, which has to do with the history of a place or event ever in Bali.
Period 1343-1846 
This period begins with the arrival of Gajah Mada expedition in 1343.The arrival of Expedition Gajah MadaGajah Mada expedition to Bali Bali performed during the kingdom ruled by King Astasura Ratna Bedahulu with Earth Banten and Patih Kebo Iwa. By first killing Kebo Iwa, Gajah Mada led an expedition along Commander Arya Damar, assisted by some of the Arya. This attack resulted in a battle between the forces of Gajah Mada with Bedahulu kingdom. This battle resulted Bedahulu king and his son died. Once airborne Grigis surrender, a vacancy occurs in the Bali government. To that end, Majapahit appointed Sri Krishna Kepakisan to lead the government in Bali with the consideration that the Sri Krishna Kepakisan have blood relations with the people of Bali Aga. From here begins Kepakisan dynasty.

Period Gelgel

Because of incompetence Raden Agra Samprangan became king, Raden Samprangan replaced by Dalem Ketut Ngulesir. By Dalem Ketut Ngulesir, the administrative center was moved to Gelgel (read / gɛl'gɛl /). At this moment begins Period Gelgel and King Dalem Ketut Ngulesir is the first king. The second is the king of Dalem Watu Renggong (1460-1550). Dalem Watu Renggong up the throne to the royal heritage stable so that it can develop the skills and authority to the prosperity of the Kingdom Gelgel. Under the reign of Watu Renggong, Bali (Gelgel) reaches its peak. Dalem Watu Renggong died after he was replaced by Dalem Bekung (1550-1580), while the last king of the times Gelgel is Dalem Di Made (1605-1686).

Age kingdom of Klungkung 

Klungkung kingdom is actually a continuation of the dynasty Gelgel. I Gusti Agung Maruti uprising appeared to have ended the period Gelgel. It happened because after the son Dalem Di Made mature and can beat I Gusti Agung Maruti, palace Gelgel not be restored. Gusti Agung Jambe as the son entitled to the throne, was unwilling to reign in Gelgel, but chose a new place as the center of government, namely former hideout in Semarapura.Thus, Dewa Agung Jambe (1710-1775) was the first king of Klungkung times. The second is the Great Raja Dewa Made In I, while the last king of Klungkung is Dewa Agung On Made II. At the time of this Klungkung kingdom split into small kingdoms. These small kingdoms later became self-governing (numbering eight) were at the time of independence known as districts.

Fractional kingdoms Klungkung

  1.     Badung kingdom, which later became the Badung regency.
  2.     Mengwi kingdom, which later became the District Mengwi.
  3.     Bangli kingdom, which later became Bangli regency.
  4.     Buleleng kingdom, which later became Buleleng.
  5.     Gianyar kingdom, which later became the Gianyar regency.
  6.     Karangasem kingdom, which later became Karangasem.
  7.     Klungkung kingdom, which later became Klungkung.
  8.     Tabanan kingdom, which later became Tabanan.
  9.     Denpasar kingdom, which later became the Municipality Denpasar

History of Bali

History of Bali Covering a span of cultural development of the people of Bali. Bali's history is also associated with some of the mythology and folklore, which has to do with the history of a place or event ever in Bali.

Prehistoric Period
Prehistory Bali is the beginning of the history of the people of Bali, which is marked by the lives of the people at that time were not yet familiar with writing. Although in prehistoric times is not yet known writings to write a history of his life, but a variety of evidence about life in the community at that time may also recounted keadaanya Age prehistoric take place within a period of time long enough, then the evidence that have been discovered until now is certainly not can meet all our expectations.
Thanks to the diligent and skilled research of foreign experts, especially the Dutch and the sons of Indonesia, the development of prehistoric times in Bali even brighter. Attention to kekunaan in Bali first given by a naturalist named Georg Eberhard Rumpf, in 1705 for his book Amboinsche Reteitkamer. As a pioneer in archaeological research in Bali is WOJ Nieuwenkamp who visited Bali in 1906 as a painter. He traveled to explore Bali. And give some notes among other things nekara Pejeng, Trunyan, and Temple Mount Writing. Attention to this Pejeng nekara followed by KC Crucq 1932 who managed to find a three-part mold nekara Manuaba Pejeng in Pura Village, Tegallalang.
Prehistoric research in Bali followed by Dr. H.A.R. van Heekeren with the writings entitled Sarcopagus on Bali in 1954. In 1963, the son of Indonesian prehistory expert Drs. R.P. Soejono excavation was carried out in a sustainable manner, namely 1973, 1974, 1984, 1985. Based on the results of research that has been done on found objects derived from the edge of the Gulf coast Gilimanuk
Gilimanuk alleged that the location site is a fishing village from the time perundagian in Bali. In this place now stands a museum.
Based on the evidence that has been found until now in Bali, the life of the community or the population of Bali in Bali prehistoric times can be divided into:
  • The period of hunting and gathering modest level
  • The period of hunting and gathering advanced
  • The period of cultivation
  • Period perundagian
The period of hunting and gathering modest level
The remnants of the culture of the earliest known by studies conducted since 1960 to be found in Sambiran (Buleleng eastern), as well as on the edge of the east and southeast of Lake Batur (Kintamani) stone tools were classified as hand-held axes, axes impact, shaved and so on. Stone tools were found in both areas is now kept at the Museum Gedong Arca in Bedulu, Gianyar.
The life of the population during this period is simple, completely dependent on the natural environment. They live wandering from one place to another (nomadic). The regions chosen is the area containing supplies of food and water sufficient to ensure its survival. Life hunt carried out by small groups and the results shared. Hunting tasks performed by men, because this work requires considerable power to face all the dangers that may occur. Women only served to complete a light work such as gathering food from the natural surroundings. Until now there has been little proof of whether people at that time had known the language as a means speak to each other.
Although the evidence contained in Bali are incomplete, but the evidence found in Pacitan (East Java) it can presumably be used as guidelines. Experts estimate that the stone tools of Pacitan contemporaries and has many similarities with stone tools from Sembiran, produced by the human species. Pithecanthropus erectus or offspring. Then perhaps also new tools of Sambiran produced by the human species Pithecanthropus or offspring.

The period of hunting and gathering advanced
At this time the pattern of life that comes from earlier times are still influential. Living hunting and gathering food contained approximately dialam followed evident from the form of the tool is made of stone, bone and shells. Evidence regarding the future of human life on mesolithik was found in 1961 in Cave Selonding, Pecatu (Badung). The cave is located in the mountains of limestone in Benoa peninsula. In this area there is a larger cave is Cave Coral Boma, but this cave does not give a proof of life that once took place there. Selonding found in cave excavation tools consist of tools and shaved flakes of stone and a number of tools from the bones. Among the bone tools, there are several lencipan muduk is a tool along the 5 cm both ends sharpened.
Such tools were also found in a number of caves in South Sulawesi at the level of cultural development Toala and well-known in Eastern Australia. Outside Bali found painting cave walls, depicting the socio-economic life and public trust at that time. The paintings on cave walls or on the walls of coral, among others in the form of labeling hand, hog deer, birds, humans, boats, the symbol of the sun, painting the eyes and so on. Several other paintings were more developed in more recent tradition and means to be brighter also among them are paintings of lizards such as those found on the island of Seram and Papua, may connote a magical power which is regarded as the incarnation of the spirit of the ancestors or chiefs.

The period of cultivation
The period of cultivation was born through a long process and can not be separated from prehistoric human endeavor in meeting their needs in former times. Neolithic period is very important in the history of the development of society and civilization, because at this time some new invention in the form of mastery of natural resources is accelerating. Livelihoods collect food (food gathering) turns into producing food (food producing). These changes are indeed of great significance in view of the consequences that are very deep and extends into the economy and culture.
Remnants of the life of the plant in Bali, among others in the form of a square stone axes in different sizes, belincung and panarah tree. Kern theory and the theory of Von Heine-Geldern is known that the ancestors of Austronesian, which started to come in our islands about 2000 years BC was the Neolithic era. This culture has two branches are branches of rectangular axes which spread from Asia through the western plains and legacy is mainly located in the western part of Indonesia and ax oval spreading through the eastern and heritage legacy evenly-eastern part of our country. Supporters of Neolithic cultures (rectangular axes) are Austronesian peoples and the first wave of displacement was followed by the displacement of the second wave that occurred during the bronze approximately 500 BC Austronesian migration to Southeast Asian nations in particular by using the well-known type of outrigger boat at this time. At this time allegedly been growing trade with the exchange of goods (barter) are required. In this case as related tools necessary for language. Experts argue that the Indonesian language at this time is the Malay or Polynesian known as Austronesian language.

Period perundagian
Gong, which is also found in various places in the archipelago, is a musical instrument that is expected rooted perundagian period.
In the Neolithic period humans permanent residence in groups and organize their lives according to the needs converged to produce its own food ingredients (agriculture and livestock). In times of permanent residence, man endeavored to increase its activities in order to achieve maximum results in meeting their needs.
At this time the human species that inhabit Indonesia can be seen from various inventions remnants order from various places, the most important of which are the findings of Anyer Lor (Banten), Puger (East Java), Gilimanuk (Bali) and Melolo (Sumbawa ). Framework of the numerous findings indicate human traits. While the discovery in Gilimanuk the number of skeletons found 100 pieces show strong Mongoloid characteristics as seen on the teeth and face. In the framework of human Gilimanuk visible dental disease and arthritis are common in humans as it is.
Based on the evidence that has been found can be seen that the people of Bali at the time of burial traditions perundagian has evolved with certain ways. The burial of the first ways is to use a coffin or sarcophagus made of rocks are soft or hard. Burial way is to use a jar made of clay as found on the beach Gilimanuk (Jembrana). Found objects this place turned out to be enough to attract attention among which there are nearly 100 pieces of human skeletons adults and children, in a state of complete and incomplete. Tradition with a jar burial was found also in Anyar (Banten), Sabbang (South Sulawesi), Selayar, Rote and Melolo (Sumba). Outside Indonesia this tradition developed in the Philippines, Thailand, Japan and Korea.
Megalithik culture is a culture that mainly produce buildings of large boulders. These stones have generally not done in a smooth, leveled only roughly just to get the required shape. megalithik tradition in Bali region still seems to live and function in public life today. The findings are important is in the form of standing stones (menhirs) contained in Jagat Pura Ratu Gede Pancering in Trunyan. In the temple there is a statue in the statue called Da Tonta which have characteristics that come from the tradition megalithik. This statue is almost 4 meters high. Other findings are in Sembiran (Buleleng), known as the ancient Balinese village, besides the villages Trunyan and Tenganan. Sembiran megalithik tradition in the village can be seen in pretending that revered locals to this day. of 20 pieces of fruit pura pura turns 17 show forms megalithik and generally made simple. Among them was the form of terraces, stone stand in palinggih and some are just a stone structure times.
Other findings are important as well is in the form of buildings megalithik contained in Gelgel (Klungkung) .Temuan important Gelgel village is a statue menhir which is contained in Panataran Jro Pura Agung. Menhir statue is made of stone with female genital protrusion containing religious values ​​are important is as a symbol of fertility which can give life to the community.

The entry of Hinduism
Elephant Cave (century XI), one of the relics of the early period of Hindu Bali.
Expiration of prehistory in Indonesia was marked by the arrival of the nation and Hindu influences. In the first centuries AD until approximately the year 1500, ie by the disappearance of the kingdom of Majapahit is a period of Hindu influence. With the influences of India that ended the prehistoric Indonesia due to the acquisition of a written statement of the Indonesian nation to enter into historical times. Based on the descriptions found in the inscriptions of the 8th century AD can be said that Ancient Balinese historical period covers the period between the 8th century BC to the 14th century AD with the arrival of the expedition Mahapatih Gajah Mada of Majapahit who can beat Bali. Balidwipa name is not a new name, but it has been there since time immemorial. It can be seen from several inscriptions, including from belanjong pillar issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in the year 913 AD which mentions the word "Walidwipa". Similarly, from the inscriptions of King Jayapangus, such as inscriptions Buwahan D and inscriptions Cempaga A numbered in 1181 AD.
Among the kings of Bali, which left many written statement also alluded to an idea of ​​the composition of the government at that time was Udayana, Jayapangus, Jayasakti, and Children Wungsu. In governing, the king is assisted by an Advisory Board of the Centre. In the oldest inscriptions 882-914, this body is called the "panglapuan". Since the days of Udayana, the Central Advisory Board referred to as "pakiran-kiran i JRO makabaihan". This body consists of several people senapati and Shiva and the Buddhist clergy.
In the inscriptions before the King Children Wungsu mentioned some kind of art that existed at that time. However, only in the days of King Children Wungsu, we can distinguish the type of art into two major groups, namely the palace art and folk art. Of course the term of art, this palace does not mean that the art was closed completely for the people. Sometimes art is shown to the people in the villages or in other words, art is not the monopoly of the palace of the kings.
In the field of religion, the influence of prehistoric times, especially from the megalithic age still feels strong. The trust at that time emphasized the worship of ancestral spirits who disimboliskan in the form of worship building called pyramid or building terraces porch-steps. Sometimes at the top of the building was placed menhir, the stone pillar monoliths as a symbol of the spirit of their ancestors. At times it is seen in the Hindu temple building similar to pundan berundak. The belief in the gods of the mountains, the sea, and the other from the era before the entry of Hindu remain reflected in people's lives in the days after the entry of the Hindu religion. In the early days up to the reign of King Sri Wijaya Mahadewi not known with certainty the religion professed at that time. Can only be known from the names of monks who wore the elements Shiva name, for example monk Piwakangsita Shiva, Siwanirmala monk, and the monk Siwaprajna. Based on this, the possibility of a religion that developed at that time was the religion of Shiva. Only in the reign of King Udayana and his queen, there are two major religious sects embraced by the population, namely Shiva and the Buddhist religion. This information is obtained from the stele-inscriptions that mention the mpungku Sewasogata (Siwa-Buddha) as an auxiliary king.