Senin, 25 Januari 2016

History of Bali

History of Bali Covering a span of cultural development of the people of Bali. Bali's history is also associated with some of the mythology and folklore, which has to do with the history of a place or event ever in Bali.

Prehistoric Period
Prehistory Bali is the beginning of the history of the people of Bali, which is marked by the lives of the people at that time were not yet familiar with writing. Although in prehistoric times is not yet known writings to write a history of his life, but a variety of evidence about life in the community at that time may also recounted keadaanya Age prehistoric take place within a period of time long enough, then the evidence that have been discovered until now is certainly not can meet all our expectations.
Thanks to the diligent and skilled research of foreign experts, especially the Dutch and the sons of Indonesia, the development of prehistoric times in Bali even brighter. Attention to kekunaan in Bali first given by a naturalist named Georg Eberhard Rumpf, in 1705 for his book Amboinsche Reteitkamer. As a pioneer in archaeological research in Bali is WOJ Nieuwenkamp who visited Bali in 1906 as a painter. He traveled to explore Bali. And give some notes among other things nekara Pejeng, Trunyan, and Temple Mount Writing. Attention to this Pejeng nekara followed by KC Crucq 1932 who managed to find a three-part mold nekara Manuaba Pejeng in Pura Village, Tegallalang.
Prehistoric research in Bali followed by Dr. H.A.R. van Heekeren with the writings entitled Sarcopagus on Bali in 1954. In 1963, the son of Indonesian prehistory expert Drs. R.P. Soejono excavation was carried out in a sustainable manner, namely 1973, 1974, 1984, 1985. Based on the results of research that has been done on found objects derived from the edge of the Gulf coast Gilimanuk
Gilimanuk alleged that the location site is a fishing village from the time perundagian in Bali. In this place now stands a museum.
Based on the evidence that has been found until now in Bali, the life of the community or the population of Bali in Bali prehistoric times can be divided into:
  • The period of hunting and gathering modest level
  • The period of hunting and gathering advanced
  • The period of cultivation
  • Period perundagian
The period of hunting and gathering modest level
The remnants of the culture of the earliest known by studies conducted since 1960 to be found in Sambiran (Buleleng eastern), as well as on the edge of the east and southeast of Lake Batur (Kintamani) stone tools were classified as hand-held axes, axes impact, shaved and so on. Stone tools were found in both areas is now kept at the Museum Gedong Arca in Bedulu, Gianyar.
The life of the population during this period is simple, completely dependent on the natural environment. They live wandering from one place to another (nomadic). The regions chosen is the area containing supplies of food and water sufficient to ensure its survival. Life hunt carried out by small groups and the results shared. Hunting tasks performed by men, because this work requires considerable power to face all the dangers that may occur. Women only served to complete a light work such as gathering food from the natural surroundings. Until now there has been little proof of whether people at that time had known the language as a means speak to each other.
Although the evidence contained in Bali are incomplete, but the evidence found in Pacitan (East Java) it can presumably be used as guidelines. Experts estimate that the stone tools of Pacitan contemporaries and has many similarities with stone tools from Sembiran, produced by the human species. Pithecanthropus erectus or offspring. Then perhaps also new tools of Sambiran produced by the human species Pithecanthropus or offspring.

The period of hunting and gathering advanced
At this time the pattern of life that comes from earlier times are still influential. Living hunting and gathering food contained approximately dialam followed evident from the form of the tool is made of stone, bone and shells. Evidence regarding the future of human life on mesolithik was found in 1961 in Cave Selonding, Pecatu (Badung). The cave is located in the mountains of limestone in Benoa peninsula. In this area there is a larger cave is Cave Coral Boma, but this cave does not give a proof of life that once took place there. Selonding found in cave excavation tools consist of tools and shaved flakes of stone and a number of tools from the bones. Among the bone tools, there are several lencipan muduk is a tool along the 5 cm both ends sharpened.
Such tools were also found in a number of caves in South Sulawesi at the level of cultural development Toala and well-known in Eastern Australia. Outside Bali found painting cave walls, depicting the socio-economic life and public trust at that time. The paintings on cave walls or on the walls of coral, among others in the form of labeling hand, hog deer, birds, humans, boats, the symbol of the sun, painting the eyes and so on. Several other paintings were more developed in more recent tradition and means to be brighter also among them are paintings of lizards such as those found on the island of Seram and Papua, may connote a magical power which is regarded as the incarnation of the spirit of the ancestors or chiefs.

The period of cultivation
The period of cultivation was born through a long process and can not be separated from prehistoric human endeavor in meeting their needs in former times. Neolithic period is very important in the history of the development of society and civilization, because at this time some new invention in the form of mastery of natural resources is accelerating. Livelihoods collect food (food gathering) turns into producing food (food producing). These changes are indeed of great significance in view of the consequences that are very deep and extends into the economy and culture.
Remnants of the life of the plant in Bali, among others in the form of a square stone axes in different sizes, belincung and panarah tree. Kern theory and the theory of Von Heine-Geldern is known that the ancestors of Austronesian, which started to come in our islands about 2000 years BC was the Neolithic era. This culture has two branches are branches of rectangular axes which spread from Asia through the western plains and legacy is mainly located in the western part of Indonesia and ax oval spreading through the eastern and heritage legacy evenly-eastern part of our country. Supporters of Neolithic cultures (rectangular axes) are Austronesian peoples and the first wave of displacement was followed by the displacement of the second wave that occurred during the bronze approximately 500 BC Austronesian migration to Southeast Asian nations in particular by using the well-known type of outrigger boat at this time. At this time allegedly been growing trade with the exchange of goods (barter) are required. In this case as related tools necessary for language. Experts argue that the Indonesian language at this time is the Malay or Polynesian known as Austronesian language.

Period perundagian
Gong, which is also found in various places in the archipelago, is a musical instrument that is expected rooted perundagian period.
In the Neolithic period humans permanent residence in groups and organize their lives according to the needs converged to produce its own food ingredients (agriculture and livestock). In times of permanent residence, man endeavored to increase its activities in order to achieve maximum results in meeting their needs.
At this time the human species that inhabit Indonesia can be seen from various inventions remnants order from various places, the most important of which are the findings of Anyer Lor (Banten), Puger (East Java), Gilimanuk (Bali) and Melolo (Sumbawa ). Framework of the numerous findings indicate human traits. While the discovery in Gilimanuk the number of skeletons found 100 pieces show strong Mongoloid characteristics as seen on the teeth and face. In the framework of human Gilimanuk visible dental disease and arthritis are common in humans as it is.
Based on the evidence that has been found can be seen that the people of Bali at the time of burial traditions perundagian has evolved with certain ways. The burial of the first ways is to use a coffin or sarcophagus made of rocks are soft or hard. Burial way is to use a jar made of clay as found on the beach Gilimanuk (Jembrana). Found objects this place turned out to be enough to attract attention among which there are nearly 100 pieces of human skeletons adults and children, in a state of complete and incomplete. Tradition with a jar burial was found also in Anyar (Banten), Sabbang (South Sulawesi), Selayar, Rote and Melolo (Sumba). Outside Indonesia this tradition developed in the Philippines, Thailand, Japan and Korea.
Megalithik culture is a culture that mainly produce buildings of large boulders. These stones have generally not done in a smooth, leveled only roughly just to get the required shape. megalithik tradition in Bali region still seems to live and function in public life today. The findings are important is in the form of standing stones (menhirs) contained in Jagat Pura Ratu Gede Pancering in Trunyan. In the temple there is a statue in the statue called Da Tonta which have characteristics that come from the tradition megalithik. This statue is almost 4 meters high. Other findings are in Sembiran (Buleleng), known as the ancient Balinese village, besides the villages Trunyan and Tenganan. Sembiran megalithik tradition in the village can be seen in pretending that revered locals to this day. of 20 pieces of fruit pura pura turns 17 show forms megalithik and generally made simple. Among them was the form of terraces, stone stand in palinggih and some are just a stone structure times.
Other findings are important as well is in the form of buildings megalithik contained in Gelgel (Klungkung) .Temuan important Gelgel village is a statue menhir which is contained in Panataran Jro Pura Agung. Menhir statue is made of stone with female genital protrusion containing religious values ​​are important is as a symbol of fertility which can give life to the community.

The entry of Hinduism
Elephant Cave (century XI), one of the relics of the early period of Hindu Bali.
Expiration of prehistory in Indonesia was marked by the arrival of the nation and Hindu influences. In the first centuries AD until approximately the year 1500, ie by the disappearance of the kingdom of Majapahit is a period of Hindu influence. With the influences of India that ended the prehistoric Indonesia due to the acquisition of a written statement of the Indonesian nation to enter into historical times. Based on the descriptions found in the inscriptions of the 8th century AD can be said that Ancient Balinese historical period covers the period between the 8th century BC to the 14th century AD with the arrival of the expedition Mahapatih Gajah Mada of Majapahit who can beat Bali. Balidwipa name is not a new name, but it has been there since time immemorial. It can be seen from several inscriptions, including from belanjong pillar issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in the year 913 AD which mentions the word "Walidwipa". Similarly, from the inscriptions of King Jayapangus, such as inscriptions Buwahan D and inscriptions Cempaga A numbered in 1181 AD.
Among the kings of Bali, which left many written statement also alluded to an idea of ​​the composition of the government at that time was Udayana, Jayapangus, Jayasakti, and Children Wungsu. In governing, the king is assisted by an Advisory Board of the Centre. In the oldest inscriptions 882-914, this body is called the "panglapuan". Since the days of Udayana, the Central Advisory Board referred to as "pakiran-kiran i JRO makabaihan". This body consists of several people senapati and Shiva and the Buddhist clergy.
In the inscriptions before the King Children Wungsu mentioned some kind of art that existed at that time. However, only in the days of King Children Wungsu, we can distinguish the type of art into two major groups, namely the palace art and folk art. Of course the term of art, this palace does not mean that the art was closed completely for the people. Sometimes art is shown to the people in the villages or in other words, art is not the monopoly of the palace of the kings.
In the field of religion, the influence of prehistoric times, especially from the megalithic age still feels strong. The trust at that time emphasized the worship of ancestral spirits who disimboliskan in the form of worship building called pyramid or building terraces porch-steps. Sometimes at the top of the building was placed menhir, the stone pillar monoliths as a symbol of the spirit of their ancestors. At times it is seen in the Hindu temple building similar to pundan berundak. The belief in the gods of the mountains, the sea, and the other from the era before the entry of Hindu remain reflected in people's lives in the days after the entry of the Hindu religion. In the early days up to the reign of King Sri Wijaya Mahadewi not known with certainty the religion professed at that time. Can only be known from the names of monks who wore the elements Shiva name, for example monk Piwakangsita Shiva, Siwanirmala monk, and the monk Siwaprajna. Based on this, the possibility of a religion that developed at that time was the religion of Shiva. Only in the reign of King Udayana and his queen, there are two major religious sects embraced by the population, namely Shiva and the Buddhist religion. This information is obtained from the stele-inscriptions that mention the mpungku Sewasogata (Siwa-Buddha) as an auxiliary king.

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